Nine Must-Do Positioning Steps

Every professional or consultant knows that clients typically hire people they know, like and trust. But how do you build trust with strangers? The best positioning strategy for professional service firms is to build trust by giving away valuable information. That’s why professional service firm marketing works best when it demonstrates expertise by educating prospects, not asserting superiority through flashy brochures and Web sites. Based on best practices research, here are 10 must-do positioning steps every professional service firm and technology service should take.

Every professional or consultant knows that clients typically hire people they know, like and trust. But how do you build trust with strangers?

As Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 150-year-old essay titled “Compensation” teaches, first you must give if you want to receive. The best positioning strategy for professional service firms is to build trust by giving away valuable information. That’s why professional service firm marketing works best when it demonstrates expertise by educating prospects, not asserting superiority through flashy brochures and Web sites.

Based on best practices research, here are 10 must-do positioning steps every professional service firm and technology service should take.